Friday, January 16, 2009


I do have an additional blog that I have been using for my classroom:
my class blog.

The blog serves as a place for students to share their ideas on quotes and readings- as well as anything else they want to talk about. At this point, I think that is works to stimulate their thinking a little bit. It also allows them to practice interacting through blog. At this point, with third graders, I see it as a time-saver for introspection and a tool for practicing interaction on the web.
My experience so far is that it hasn't really taken off with a majority of the students. I have third graders and I only see them once a week- so it is a little bit out of sight, out of mind. I open the blog and read entries that students do make and I know they love hearing their comments read aloud. I am going to try to add more links to the blog in order to hopefully entice them to come. I put many games and fun links on my website and we visit them for short periods of time in class so they can familiarize themselves with the site. I also make them enter sites for webquests that I use in class through my website as I feel that the more they visit, the more it will become a habit.

Here is a link to an interesting blog...

It is funny to read her description of the open schools because that is the type of school I started in. We had particle board dividers by the time I got there- but the general issues remain.


  1. Heather, how do your students feel about their blog? Do they like it or see it as a hassle? When/where are they blogging?

  2. They are blogging at home. Because it is not mandatory, the kids that are doing it enjoy it- but that is not many! I have left my email address on the blog to enable them to post even if they don't have an e-mail account.

  3. I thought I had posted previously, but I do not see it here. I am just learning, so I may have exited prior to actually pushing the post button! Anyway, I like your idea of having students respond to quotes and readings, as this is something I do with my seventh graders each day. One difficulty I see is teaching learners to discriminate and select valid sites and information when using the Internet. Although you use links, many students will continue searches on their own from home and need direct instruction in on-line safety. You may already discuss this with them, but I know it is an issue in the higher grades, so I thought I'd mention it.

  4. Thanks for posting that important reminder Monica. I realized that although I have done lessons with the students on internet safety, I need to be diligent about reminding the kids of safety issues such as using anonymity, cyber-bullying, viruses and bad links. I have been lulled into a little complacency because our district has a great filter system to keep out quite a bit.


About Me

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I am a teacher and ordained minister in South Carolina. I am a digital learner working on my masters in "Integrating Technology In the Classroom".