Saturday, January 31, 2009


I think that this will be the straw that breaks my back and makes me more diligent about saving data. Once again, I begin typing a response to a blog right into the box- instead of what I should do which is type into a word document and then cut and paste- and upon submission of my comment, name and password ( which was mathp- which was ironic because the pg belongs to a math teacher), I lost a whole response to my cohort and about 45 minutes of my time. Note to self- Don't do that again- it is the fourth or fifth time!!! My only consolation is that it will type faster the second time??? I guess maybe it will because the information will become more ingrained and fluent in my brain?

Thursday, January 29, 2009

21st Century Literacy

Partnership for 21st Century Skills

I enjoyed this interactive, organized website. It had a number of good goals that we have been studying to prepare our students with the skills needed for the 21st century. I was surprised at the extensive amount of information, links, classes, and games that were available and the skills and ideas that were explored. One I will share with my students teaches checking the accuracy of a site through triangulation. Most of the micro modules would be above my third graders' heads.
While I really don't disagree with anything on this site, I find it to be more focused on research than functionality. I prefer the Online Resources for Big6 Informational Skills any day for my purposes and age group. The organization is better and it is more practical than academic. I think teachers would get more out of this focus on "information literacy skills".
I think that the implications of this partnership of corporations and states for the betterment of the students and for education will be for the good of all. Their advocacy for our students is important and I appreciate that they aim to help teachers infuse these 21st century skills with core subject information. Not many states are on board at this time- but that doesn't mean that teachers can't utilize these sources independently. Following in the footsteps of commendable organizations including that National Council of Teachers for Mathematics or the National Science Teachers Association, this site offers great frameworks and overviews that can avail teachers to great ideas and resources, but will ultimately play second fiddle to state standards and the practical needs of teachers.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Leonardo Da Vinci

Exploring Leonardo


After seeing all the "thinking outside the box" that Leoardo did, I feel that creativity is sorely needed in the classrooms of all children. Maybe some of these could be morning work and morning meeting ideas sprinkled through the year. In a world where the jobs of the future haven't even been conceived of yet, being able to think creatively is crucial.

Creativity sample lessons

from Creative Press

Snow Day

Tomorrow is a snow day~ so I will have some more time to work on links for the wiki. I am excited about the possibility of snow- but I had wanted to see the inauguration with the children and my co-teachers. There was some grumbling about watching it at school- but I think it is going to be very moving in many ways.

Need to find delicious password for the district account I made... grrr- I hand-wrote it on the handouts for my coworkers and now have no paper trail of it. Being an unorganized person, saved files and multiple trails to the information I need is great. I am also unusually adept at organizing files in the computer for both myself and shared drives... it is the total opposite of me with paper files- the storage systems and notebooks for tax, personal, and financial paperwork is laughable (only because it keeps you from crying). So that is one thing that computers have really assisted me in- being organized.

Friday, January 16, 2009


I do have an additional blog that I have been using for my classroom:
my class blog.

The blog serves as a place for students to share their ideas on quotes and readings- as well as anything else they want to talk about. At this point, I think that is works to stimulate their thinking a little bit. It also allows them to practice interacting through blog. At this point, with third graders, I see it as a time-saver for introspection and a tool for practicing interaction on the web.
My experience so far is that it hasn't really taken off with a majority of the students. I have third graders and I only see them once a week- so it is a little bit out of sight, out of mind. I open the blog and read entries that students do make and I know they love hearing their comments read aloud. I am going to try to add more links to the blog in order to hopefully entice them to come. I put many games and fun links on my website and we visit them for short periods of time in class so they can familiarize themselves with the site. I also make them enter sites for webquests that I use in class through my website as I feel that the more they visit, the more it will become a habit.

Here is a link to an interesting blog...

It is funny to read her description of the open schools because that is the type of school I started in. We had particle board dividers by the time I got there- but the general issues remain.

Wii and Beyond

What elements of learning virtual reality do you foresee in future education???

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Love it!!

I am glad that fate sent me in the Firefox direction... It is faster, more convenient in many ways, easier, more simple interface, and apparently safer. It has some idiosyncrasies- but I now prefer it.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Who Moved My Cheese?

I have recently had a lot of changes in my life when it comes to my computer. I have always been an Internet Explorer kind of girl and I was content in this role. All of this changed the other day when I began uploading all sorts of new and exciting applications at the impetus of my Walden professor. Skype, Delicious, wiki's, readers, rss feeds- a lot of stuff I barely know anything about but am having fun getting to know. Now my favorite blogger, Amy Alkon, comes to me instead of me having to search her out (thank you RSS feeds). I have gotten this far in life without instant chats until Rachel broke me in on it- yeah! All of this did not come without a price though. From my research on the web, it might have been the Skype- or maybe the fact that I tried to download a Mozilla application into an IE navigator- whatever it was, my computer started freaking out- of course... right when I am about to plunge full steam into my new hands-on technology course, my computer would die. That is right up there with "my dog ate my homework"- no one is going to believe it! Whenever I checked my groupwise e-mail and responded or closed a window the computer would close all internet windows and have errors... whenever I tried to close a cnn window, same thing. I couldn't even get to my new blog and all the attempts to follow or suscribe to other classmates' sites sent my computer reeling. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling- everything I could imagine- and finally decided to try Firefox instead of IE. It has taken a lot of adjusting on my part. I miss having my igoogle pop up immediately and I miss all my bookmarks. I know, I know- I have my new delicious bookmarks- but I cleaned those up as I am sharing them with my cohorts at school. All the advice columns and recipes are gone!!! boo hooooooo. At least my computer seems to be working like a charm and I am enjoying firefox for the most part. Venting is even better.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Welcome to my Edublog!

I have had a personal blog for a good while now. I do not tend to use it to reflect or report... just to add pics and videos of the kids. I hope that this blog will stay with me through my course of studies at Walden as I pursue my masters in "Integrating technology In the Classroom". I hope to use it as a portfolio of links and reflections and I hope this will be a format that allows me to interact with my families and students, fellow teachers, and my Walden master's degree cohorts.

About Me

My photo
I am a teacher and ordained minister in South Carolina. I am a digital learner working on my masters in "Integrating Technology In the Classroom".